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英语revision语句的教育指南 英语语句的用法技巧


英语revision语句的教学指导 篇1

1、Good idea.That is much better than … /…is better than…

2、做宾语补足语,如:Tell her to turn it down.告诉她将音量关小点儿。

3、A: What are you doing?

4、练习—The moon, our satellite, travels round the earth.

5、between, far, can not, satellite, round, by, satellites, into, round, about, receiving, from, smaller

6、T: Thats quite right.265.

7、moon +cake = mooncake 月饼

8、fresh + looking = fresh-looking 新鲜的

9、school + boy = schoolboy 男学生

10、How many kilometres by train is it from… to…?


12、T: How many pages do you think this book has?

13、A: Have you got it yet?

14、形容词 + 分词。例如:

15、A: It is usually found on Channel 3.Try that.


17、out + break = outbreak 爆发 over + coat = overcoat 大衣

18、形容词 + 名词。例如:


20、形容词 + 名词 + ed。例如:

21、和疑问词连用,如:I don’t know where to go.我不知道去哪里。

22、情态动词的被动语态,如:More trees must be planted.我们还要栽更多的树。

23、B: Which do you think is more interesting?


25、在初中英语第一册和第二册中,我们已经陆续学习了数字的用法,教师可帮助学生回忆它们的念法,并做快速连锁问答。还可就长度、高度、重量等做问答,例如:How long is the Yellow River? How heavy is your bag? How tall/high is that tree?等等。

英语revision语句的教学指导 篇2


2、Teaching Objectives: Revise the distance and dialogues.

3、Practise listening.


5、Ask the whole class some questions about the distance.Make sure the students can say numbers correctly.Then divide them into small groups to make up questions.At last, report their work in class.


7、Play Speech Cassette or video for the students to listen or watch.For the second time, let the students repeat after it, at last, the students can read the pass




11、Prepare for the exam.

12、Exercises in class

13、Revise the text and ask some students to read their retellings in class.Then practise the Present -Perfect Tense.

14、How far is the moon away from the earth?


16、Properties: Recorder; Overhead Projector.

17、age at the same time while playing the sounds.


19、Read the passage again, ask the students to find sentences what replace those in text.

20、Change the following sentences into Passive Voice

21、For instance: A satellite goes round the earth.The moon is a satellite of the earth.There are many man-made satellites in the space too.Then explain that man-made is an adjective meaning made by people.“Man” in this text means “the human race”.

22、Word formation

23、III.Leading in

24、Lesson 47 教学设计示例

25、It _________ right _________ _________in class.

26、VI.Do Exercise below:

27、Read the passage carefully and discuss the answers in pairs.Finally check the answers with the whole class.


英语revision语句的教学指导 篇3



3、— 你对这事有把握吗?

4、be sure 意为“确信;确定;肯定”,其有三种用法:be sure of sth, be sure to do sth和be sure that从句。


6、I want to let you choose what to do.我想让你选择该干什么。


8、knowledge是know的名词形式,作“知识;学问”讲,是不可数名词。one’s knowledge of…的意思是“对……的认识/了解。”knowledge 的前面若有定语修饰,可与a连用,表示“对……某种程度的了解”。

9、a celestial globe 天体仪

10、point at… 指向……

11、before the world 公然地


13、This is an event that shook the world.

14、spend time alone 独自打发时间

15、反身代词itself在句中做主语the world 的同位语。


17、— Be sure to write to me as soon as you get there.

18、Man-made satellites are about 8,000 kilometres away from the earth.

19、【例】The whole world is hoping that there will be a lasting peace.

20、The moon travels round the earth.月球围绕地球转。

21、break earth 破土动工

22、now understand each other better.世界的本身正变得更小,来自不同国家的人们彼此间能更好地相互了解。

英语revision语句的教学指导 篇4



3、Show some pictures that introduce the sun, the moon, the earth, space, spaceship, satellite, universe, etc.

4、The buses were made in the factory.

5、Lesson 48 教学设计示例





10、Has the moon been visited by man already?

11、If you make a five-day drip across the Atlantic Ocean(大西洋),your ship enters a different time zone every day.As you enter each zone, the time changes one hour.Traveling west, you set your clock back; traveling east, you set it ahead.Each day of your trip has either twenty-five or twenty-three hours.

12、Part 2.Divide the students into two groups to practise.Point out that “Which do you think is more interesting? = Which programme (of the two) is more interesting?” And the use of shall to express a decision in I think I shall read a book instead.Get the students to practise all the dialogues.Make up as many as they can.Then act it out in class.

13、Prepare for the exam.



16、We should deal with the problem more carefully.

17、The universe means the earth, the sun, the moon and the stars, and the space ______ them.Many of the stars are so ______ away that we ______ see them.




21、Learn how to build words.

22、Teaching Procedures:

23、How far away is…from…?

24、Man-made ______ have been sent up ______ space by many countries.They go ______ the earth.They are used for helping us to learn more ______ the earth, the weather and other things.They are also used for sending and ______ messages.It makes people ______ different countries understand each other better.So people say the world itself is becoming a much ______ place.People call the small place “the global village”.

25、III.Leading in

26、Ask the students to look at the pictures and say: Look, this is a satellite.Today we are going to read about it.The title of the passage is “The Universe and Man - made satellite”.Watch the video about satellite and speak out what a satellite is.


28、Students should also strive(力争) to take good notes the first time and not plan to recopy notes - or to do so only when clarity and conciseness demand it